Issue 2, 2023

V. I. Yarmolovich

Rezul'taty issledovaniia svetlozhgushchikhsia glin memfisskoi keramiki epokhi Pozdnego perioda [Investigation of Marl and Mixed fabric of the pottery from Memphis (Late Period)]

The paper is devoted to investigation of pottery fabrics dated to the 6th–4th c. BCE (the Late Period). The pottery was discovered in course of archaeological excavations of the Centre for Egyptological studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences on Kom Tuman (Memphis, Egypt). These vessels were made of marl and mixed clays. The comparison with fabric descriptions of parallels from other Egyptian sites raise the issue of appearance and distribution of this pottery during the Late Period.

Egypt, Memphis, marl, pottery, Late Period.

Original language — Russian.

DOI: 10.24412/2686-9276-2023-00008.

Referring: V. I. Yarmolovich Investigation of Marl and Mixed fabric of the pottery from Memphis (Late Period) [in Russian] // Egypt and neighbouring countries 2 (2023): 101–120. DOI: 10.24412/2686-9276-2023-00008.

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